Getting Started with UniLink | FAQ

What is UniLink?

UniLink is a platform that allows you to create a personalised and easily-customizable landing page based on your Instagram feed. Not only can it house all the important links you want to share with your audience, but also help you advertise, sell, receive payments and maintain personalized communication with customers

How do l add a link to my Instagram Bio?

Once you are signed up at UniLink with your Instagram profile, your link is automatically generated. It contains your Instagram nickname and you can find it on the main dashboard, copy and paste in your Bio. 

Can I use the same link if l change my Instagram handle?

If you decide to change your Instagram handle, you need to make sure to reconnect your Instagram account with UniLink for your new Instagram profile name.

What is better: FREE or PRO?

UniLink offers two plans - a FREE one and a PRO monthly subscription. While the free version with standard page customization of your profile and multiple buttons, tags, colors, designs is just enough for newbies, the UniLink PRO is better for personalized brands. There are a bundle of accessible features, including integrations and detailed analytics.

What type of Instagram business is Unilink designed for?

Whether you own a personal page or certain brand on Instagram, this platform will be suitable for both cases. UniLink's ultimate goal is to make its service as versatile as possible. Therefore, your Instagram account type doesn't really matter.

What contact details can l ask for with UniLink?

Our service enables you to integrate different buttons that will require your page visitors to leave their email address, name, phone. You'll just need to add a tag where your audience writes personal info after clicking on the post. 

Can l automate notifications of my orders?

You can access email notifications by connecting MailChimp or receive Telegram messages by upgrading to a PRO version. 

Can l track my clients' payments?

You can easily do this with the help of Google Sheets. Every time your buyers make a purchase by clicking on one of your added links, the payment history is displayed there.