A few words about content strategy: How entrepreneurs can increase their audience on Instagram

A few words about content strategy: How entrepreneurs can increase their audience on Instagram

Growing an audience on social media for an entrepreneur is often a tricky way to combine audience interests and the entrepreneur's brand goals. But a social media presence has long been a must for entrepreneurs and should be effective for a brand.

While trying to figure out how to get started building your Instagram strategy, we talked to a talented marketer and social media enthusiast Hrabren Bankov, or Marketing Harry. Harry runs his own Brave Social Media Marketing agency, collaborates with major international brands, and prepares useful content for his 116 k followers on Instagram.

What are the main differences between increasing your Instagram audience as an Instagram creator or as an entrepreneur and brand?

The main differences between growing as a content creator and an entrepreneur would be the GOALS and OBJECTIVES. In one case (content creator) he creates content because he wants to and is viewing monetization as a byproduct of his efforts. Whilst in the case of most entrepreneurs they view BUSINESS as his main focus and content creation as a byproduct of a successful social media presence. A content creator would be happy just creating content that gets seen whilst an entrepreneur should always aim to realize his business objectives. This main difference means that the strategies content creators and entrepreneurs should be totally different. 

What are the main mistakes in the Instagram content strategy of entrepreneurs?

The #1 mistake entrepreneurs make in their content is focusing on themselves. The fastest path to realizing your dreams in the social media space is by serving others not yourself. By doing so, because of the reciprocity principle, you will always succeed more than anyone else creating content because they want to monetize ASAP. An example of this is the fact that the most famous chefs are the best ones, rather than the ones creating the most amount of educational content. Don't believe me? Google it.

How to keep your audience interested if you run a business on Instagram and promote your products or services?

In order to keep your audience interested, they have to know what it is for them. The social media realm is a busy space. Too busy actually. Everyone is battling for the attention of the same users which gives them a choice. Should I listen to something which will make me feel good or should I listen to the pitch of this random person? If you were in the shoes of the users, whom would you listen to?

From our side, we can only add that building the right strategy is just as important as using the right tools for working with your audience. Using UniLink service you can achieve interaction of each of your followers with your brand. Just sign up and test the UniLink features.